Know-It-Alls Really Don’t


I have friends that I classify as Know-It-Alls.

As people, they’re pretty great. Nice, always willing to help out, and we have similar interests. But they have the fatal flaw of being Know-It-Alls. Unfortunately, that means that from the moment I see them, the clock starts ticking until the time I can’t stand them.

With a Know-It-All, I often find myself being explained simple concepts that I already know. I often wonder, “why is this person telling me this? Do they think I’m a dummy and I don’t know this simple concept?” Are they such a genius that this knowledge needs to be shared, or do they just want to hear themselves talk?

The best is when you tell a Know-It-All that they are wrong. When confronted, one of my Know-It-All friends will back track and admit that they didn’t really look into the subject very much. Others, though, will scour the internet to prove that I am the one who is wrong. The funny thing about all of this is that I really didn’t care that much in the first place, so researching online is really just a waste of time. Even more, how do the girl/boyfriends of these people live with them? Do they think the Know-It-All is a genius? Or are they just living their life ignoring them? Luckily, I have a case study: a Know-It-All married to a Know-It-All. One operated like the rest of us, and let Know-It-All-1 spew their false knowledge with impunity, until it was something Know-It-All-2 cared about. Vice-versa, then lather, rinse, repeat. For Know-It-Alls, the buildup of false knowledge that MUST flow bursts like a water main, and Know-It-Alls need an environment where they can spew that false knowledge.

Of course, I also wonder about myself.

I mean, honestly, who am I to be such a self-righteous prick judging people? Does that make me a Know-It-All? I often wonder when talking about something whether or not I’m spewing knowledge just to get the ego boost. I also think, “should I even say anything at all?”

Having these thoughts is not great for meeting new people. A lot of times I think, “why should I talk, it’s not like I’m going to see this person again,” which is a horrible way to think. Regardless of building a relationship, there has to be some positive benefit in conversing with another person. At minimum, there might be an exchange of some knowledge.

Perhaps this is where the Know-It-All actually comes out on top. They are a kind of superhero of engagement. Impervious to judgemental attitudes or contradictory facts.

And I should know. Don’t agree? I’ll prove you wrong.


Chris Hall is a singer/songwriter currently touring as Oak Street Blues, an alternative-country band in Southern California.